Esther Glotzbach

Walking for the "She Makes Change" campaign

The 8th of March is International Women's day.

The past years have seen a significant movement towards challenging the status quo around gender roles. More women around the world are taking control of their lives and making change. 

To celebrates women globally as change makers and highlights the importance of women's full participation in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) decision-making, my organisation, IRC, has launched the She Makes Change campaign. 

Through the campaign IRC aims to raise €2,500 to facilitate three one-day workshops for 48 women in the Ganjam district, Odisha, India. This series of workshops provides foundational knowledge and skills training for women's full participation in local governance and water, sanitation and hygiene committees.

This project goes further than safe WASH service provision, as the skills, knowledge and confidence learned will strengthen these women to stand up for all of their rights, pursue their ambitions, and demand a better life for themselves, their family, and their community.


Thank you for your support! Every euro counts!

IRC WASH logo 2


IRC is a non-profit organisation that plays an important international role in the field of safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. Together with local and national governments, with donors and companies, with municipalities and villages, we realize our vision: a world in which no child or adult ever get sick again because she or he has no access to clean drinking water or a toilet. IRC cooperates with partners in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, India and Uganda and conducts research to solve problems, improve systems and develop models for sustainable and fair services.

IRC is een non-profit organisatie en speelt een belangrijke internationale rol op het gebied van drinkwater, sanitatie en hygiëne. Samen met lokale en nationale overheden, met donoren en bedrijven, met gemeentes en dorpen verwezenlijken we onze visie: een wereld waarin geen kind en geen volwassene ooit nog ziek wordt omdat zij of hij geen toegang heeft tot schoon drinkwater en een toilet. IRC werkt samen met partners in Burkina Faso, Ethiopië, Ghana, Honduras, India en Uganda en doet onderzoek om problemen op te lossen, systemen te verbeteren en modellen te ontwikkelen voor duurzame en rechtvaardige dienstverlening.

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Esther Glotzbach

€ 265 opgehaald