Mike Martin

Running 10K for women’s empowerment in India

This International Women’s Day (8 March 2020) I will be running the Edinburgh 10K to raise money for IRC’s ‘She Makes Change’ campaign which supports women’s capacity building workshops through their Odisha project in India. Please support me and give anything you can to this worthy cause. 

IRC is an international non-profit which works with people around the world to find solutions to the global water, sanitation and hygiene crisis. Their mission is to provide safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services for all by 2030, in line with SDG6. However this will only possible with the full participation of women in social and political decision making.

The Odisha project, under the Watershed programme, aims to strengthen the capacity of women to fully participate in decision making in water, sanitation and hygiene committees and local governance. The workshops teach women skills in leadership, conflict resolution and public speaking, and provide knowledge of rights and roles as citizens. It encourages these women to make their voice heard and stand up for their right to safe water, sanitation and hygiene provision, and all of their rights. 

All information on IRC WASH, the ‘She Makes Change’ campaign and the Odisha project is linked to my fundraising page. Thank you for your support!

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van € 100



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Mike Martin

€ 65 opgehaald