Elke Ebert

Ending sexualised violence - worldwide.

Our mission

We are committed to ending sexualised violence - worldwide.

Together with our partner organisations, we strengthen women and girls in conflict areas and support them in coping with violence and trauma. We stand up for women's rights and work towards social transformation. We do this as part of a diverse feminist movement.

Your donation is a sign of your solidarity with women worldwide. Thank you very much!

Who we are

  • We are a feminist women’s rights and relief organisation and see ourselves as part of the diverse international women's movement.
  • Our work builds on a network of committed supporters, donors, staff members and partner organisations around the world.
  • We form strategic alliances with activists and other organisations in order to work towards political changes for the benefit of women.
  • As a registered non-profit association, we are financed by donations, grants and public funding. We make sensible, appropriate and economical use of all funds entrusted to us. We comply with approved standards of transparency and organisational management.
  • Binding values and principles (Code of conduct) and quality standards guide our work, both internally and with partners.

What we do

  • We are engaged in worldwide activities for and with women and girls affected by gender-based violence in situations of conflict and war, focussing in particular on sexualised violence.
  • We lobby for the improvement of women's rights and demand measures to prevent sexualised wartime violence and provide effective protection and support for women.
  • We enable women and girls to access trauma-sensitive medical care, psychosocial counselling and legal advice, as well as assistance to secure their own livelihoods.
  • We work towards the empowerment of women and girls to shape their own lives and actively participate in reorganisation and peace-keeping measures in their societies.
  • Together with local women’s initiatives and activists we build up solidarity structures, protection and shelter networks, and independent women’s organisations.
  • We provide training and qualification opportunities to project staff, relevant experts and our cooperation partners.
  • We develop the capacity of local health services, police, courts and ministries.
  • We support women survivors of sexualised wartime violence as they struggle for justice. We help them to develop strategies for dealing with their experiences, gaining compensation and bringing perpetrators to court.
  • We conduct public awareness and education campaigns on the causes and effects of sexualised wartime violence.

How we work

  • Expressing solidarity and partiality with women are our core values. These values led in 1993 - during the Bosnian War - to the founding of Medica Zenica, the first therapy centre for traumatised women.
  • We assist women to determine and follow their own path.
  • Dialogue with our partners helps our emancipatory understanding to grow. Together we develop and monitor our ideas.
  • We guard against discrimination and abuse of power.
  • Our commitment is persisitent.


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De opbrengst van deze geefactie gaat naar deze actievoerder:
Er wordt uitbetaald op een SEPA IBAN rekeningnummer met de volgende tenaamstelling: medica mondiale e.V.


Aan wie wil je doneren?
Elke Ebert
Elke Ebert

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