R Raf

Iran in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2018


In 2017 had de Iraanse boot voor het eerst in al die jaren deelgenomen aan Amsterdam Canal Pride Parade. Helaas en met veel diepe bittere teleurstelling werden we de kans om te zeilen in de parade geweigerd als de enige boot in de hele gesgidenis van Amsterdam Pride.

Wij zijn dit jaar weer terug, sterker dan voorheen en doelbewuster voor toekomst*. Om onze doel in 2018 te kunnen bereiken tijdens de Amsterdamse Canal Pride Parade hebben we jullie support en ondersteuning bij nodig.



For the first time in all those years, in 2017, the Iranian boat had participated in Amsterdam Canal Pride Parade. Unfortunately, with a deep bitter disappointment, we were refused the chance to sail the parade as the only boat in history of Amsterdam Pride.

We are back again this year*, stronger than ever before and more conscious of the future. To achieve our goal in 2018 during the Canal Pride Parade in Amsterdam, we need your help and support.




* Special thanks to Stichting Pride Amsterdam


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Stichting JoopeA

JoopeA is a social foundation strive to expand Human Rights for Iran and Middle East by focus on LGBTI Rights and access to censor-free information.

Addionally, Stichting JoopeA helps people in restrichted countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. to build up and expand their activities and get connected to world at low risk and no costs.

JoopeA is bound to help new-comer LGBTI to the Netherlands from Middle East for their integration to the society by providing part-time activities and connect them to other local groups.

To read more please visit https://joopea.info

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