Albert Den Oudsten

Changing Horizons 2020

We are raising funds for our Peruvian organisation Cambiando Horizontes, which means changing horizons. In March this year we founded this organisation with the goal to help vulnerable people having the perspective of a better future. We especially work with children and youth without parental care, local orphanages and woman. Our goal is to change their horizons and giving them hope for a better future. 

For this year we are focused on the youth who are leaving their orphanages and have to start their independent live, which is a big change for them and we want to help them going through this transition. We have seen many of them having problems establish their lives outside the orphanage. We also focus on working with the staff of the orphanages because we believe they are a key component in the live of these youth. 

For this year we are raising funds for these four different projects:

1. Prepare teenagers for independence: through conversations and workshops we prepare teenagers of local orphanages for their step to leave the orphanage when they turn 18 years old (bugdet needed: $1.600)

2. Accompanying youth in their independent life: we accompany the youth when they have left their orphanage and start living on their own or with their family again. That is a difficult time for them with many changes. For example, we help them to find a job or apply for a grant to study (budget needed: $1.600).

3. Workshops: we work with the teams of the orphanages to improve their care for the children and teenagers. For this year we facilitate online workshops for them in which we invite specialists to talk about a relevant theme (budget needed $500). 

4. Sponsor project: we have just started our sponsor project for young man without parental care. We pay for their room and food so that they can study or have time to find a job. This helps them to adjust the many changes they are going through and they can slowly start paying their own costs (budget needed: $750). 

To continue to run these projects we need to raise $4.450 until the end of this year. We hope you want to help through donating to this project. For more information of who we are and more pictures check our facebookpage: www.facebook.com/cambiandohorizontesperu

With your gift you change horizons of youth in Peru.

Anoniem aan teamlid Albert Den Oudsten

€ 100


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