We Play

We Play and the Covid-19 crisis

We Play and the Covid-19 crisis

The Covid-19 crisis has undoubtedly had profound repercussions on countries worldwide, with most of them entering some form of lockdown. Individuals, households, and companies have seen their freedom of movement limited, and schools have closed. 

This is quite problematic for a country like Sierra Leone, where children often have difficulties to access books and other material to support their schooling and education. During these uncertain times, it is vital that children can keep learning and developing.

 The playground’s library in Regent, a project that We Play supports, is already well under way. It still needs a few touch ups before it can be finished and is ready to welcome a limited number of children at a time to read books. We Play sees a wonderful opportunity amidst these difficult times to offer young children from the community a safe haven to read, learn, and play, as their school has shut down.

Any donation will help towards finishing the construction of the library.

We kindly thank everyone for all the support We Play has received, and hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

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