Liz Boers-Maynard

Running for Stop Tetanus

Thank you for taking the time to read this.http://www.kiwanis.nl/stop-tetanus

49,000 babies died of Tetanus in 2013, according to WHO figures.  They die a slow and painful death. The bacteria can enter via the umbilical cord when its cut. The disease affects the nervous system and blocks the messages to the muscles. This causes muscle spasms. The mothers cannot provide them with comfort as it hurts when you touch them. Tetanus can be prevented. In our countries, UK & The Netherlands is very rare as we have preventative vaccinations. The joint project between Kiwanis and Unicef intends to stop this disease. Since the project began in 2000 Tetanus has been eliminated from 58 countries. The focus is now on prevention in Africa. Kiwanis The Netherlands have committed to raising €1 million and have just €150,000 to go. This has to be raised in 2015. I intend to raise €1,000 during my marathon in Dublin.

Please give generously.

Stichting Kiwanis Nederland Fonds logo 2

Stichting Kiwanis Nederland Fonds

Wereldproject van Kiwanis en UNICEF.

Bestrijden van Neo Natale en Maternatel Tetanus in landen waar Tetanus nog volop slachtoffers maakt onder kinderen en hun moeders.

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